Digital Wellness
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Digital Wellness
Is Alexa Always Listening?
Get the best out of Amazon’s Alexa without sacrificing your privacy.
Digital Wellness
35+ Must-Know Phone Usage Statistics for 2022
Check out these phone usage statistics to learn all you need to know about global smartphone addiction rates, screen time, dependency, and revenue in 2022.
Digital Wellness
How Marketers and Social Media Can Influence Our Decisions
Learn more about the impact of influencer marketing and social media platforms on our decisions.
Digital Wellness
iOS vs. Android: Which OS Is More Secure in 2022?
iOS vs. Android: Which OS is more secure? To find out, we have to consider vulnerabilities found in each operating system’s updates over the years.
Digital Wellness
No More QWERTY: We’re Moving Toward Passwordless
Passwordless Authentication is seen as cybersecurity’s latest trend but can it keep you secure? Find out more in our quick guide.
Digital Wellness
Most Popular Christmas Phishing Scams You Need To Be Aware
Get ready for online Christmas scams so you can stop hackers from ruining your festive celebrations.
Digital Wellness
What Online Privacy Is and Why It's Important
Online privacy is one of the defining issues of our time. Here’s a guide to what it is and why it matters to you.
Digital Wellness
13 Surprising Facts About Internet Privacy and Digital Security
Read about the first cybercrime, the most popular password, how many cyber attacks happen daily and other amazing facts about internet privacy and security.
Digital Wellness
How To Explain Cyber Security to a Child
Parents and kids behave differently on the internet and often parents are less tech-savvy. Still, it’s our duty to teach the kids rules for online safety.
Digital Wellness
5 Ideas to Change the Password You Use for All Online Accounts
There are many ways to create truly secure and unique passwords. We have collected some original password ideas to help you get creative.
Digital Wellness
How To Spot Fake News and Stop It
Exciting news is compelling, but what if it's fake? In this quick guide, we explain how to deal with fake news easily and effectively.
Digital Wellness
Social Engineering Scams: How to Recognize and Avoid Them
Social engineers exploit human vulnerabilities to trick us into divulging personal data. Learn how to recognize and protect yourself against social engineering