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Ex Stalks My LinkedIn

You’ve probably heard people talk about “the one that got away.” But sometimes there’s that one ex that won’t stay away. An ex who is obsessed with you goes out of their way to keep up with you, including stalking your LinkedIn profile. Exes who do that are likely to monitor your phone if given the chance. With Clario AntiSpy’s Spyware scan, you can weed out spying apps hidden on your phone and take back control.

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Why is your ex looking at your LinkedIn profile?

There are various reasons why your ex is viewing your LinkedIn profile. The most obvious answer is that they want to see what you’ve been up to professionally, especially if it’s been years since you last connected. Have you completed your studies? Have you finally got that dream job or promotion? These are some questions they’d want to answer.


They can also check your LinkedIn profile to see if you’ve moved from where you used to stay when you were together since LinkedIn shows your location. It doesn’t necessarily mean they want to get back together.


According to Statista, 36% of respondents admitted to stalking their current partner or ex online or by going through their phone. Some admitted to having viewed their ex’s emails.

Exes don’t only stalk you on LinkedIn, though. They check you out on social media sites, too. So, If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Do guys stalk their exes on social media pages,” the answer is yes, and your ex could be one of them.


Instagram stalking is one example. But why does your ex stalk your Instagram stories? There are several reasons, like when you’ve blocked your ex-boyfriend’s main account after you stopped dating. Are you on Facebook? There are signs your ex is stalking you on Facebook. And if your ex still has you on WhatsApp, you guessed it, they can stalk you there, too.

Your ex can view your LinkedIn profile anonymously

By default, LinkedIn notifies you when people check your profile, even if they do so anonymously. Furthermore, LinkedIn includes the person’s name and other details, so you’ll immediately know who it is.


Many people don’t know this, but LinkedIn allows you to change your privacy settings to make you appear anonymous when checking out someone’s profile. So, while it will still notify you that someone has checked your profile, it won’t include the person’s details in the notification.


The private profile viewing options available inform the content or personal information LinkedIn reveals about you when you view someone’s profile. Here’s what they are:

  • Show your profile characteristics, which include your profession, industry, and location.
  • Show you in private mode, which reveals nothing about your profile.

In addition to camping on your LinkedIn profile, your ex can plant spyware on your mobile phone. This can affect your device’s performance and, worse, compromise your privacy. Spyware can be anything from an innocent-looking parental control app or other hidden malware you wouldn’t notice until it’s too late.


Check for spy apps with Clario AntiSpy’s Spyware scan. Clario AntiSpy’s Spyware scan weeds out hidden spyware on your phone and provides an in-depth report of spying threats. This allows you to take action and protect yourself from nosy exes and anyone who is overstepping your boundaries.

  1. Download Clario AntiSpy, create an account, and set up a subscription.
  2. Select Spyware scan > Run a deep scan and follow the prompts. Clario AntiSpy will notify you if it finds hidden spyware on your device.
Check for signs of spying with Clario’s Spyware scan. Download Clario AntiSpy, create an account, and set up a subscription. Select Spyware scan > Run a deep scan and follow the prompts.

How to protect yourself from ex-stalking on LinkedIn

If your ex checks you out on LinkedIn once, it shouldn’t be a cause for concern, as it’s normal for them to wonder what’s happening in your professional life. However, suppose they have been repeatedly stalking your LinkedIn profile without reaching out to explain themselves. This can make you uncomfortable, especially when you haven’t talked to them. In this case, you can take matters into your own hands.


Below are the actions you can take to protect yourself from stalking by your exes on LinkedIn:

  • Document every incident of stalking by taking screenshots with dates. This will come in handy if your ex’s stalking behavior ever escalates and you need to involve external parties, like law enforcement.
  • Get support from your personal relationships, like friends and family members.
  • Switch to a private LinkedIn profile. While your ex can still find your profile, the information they see will be limited. Managing your private and visibility settings on LinkedIn allows you to customize what information people can see, like your connections, followers, active status, and more.

To manage your private and visibility settings on LinkedIn:

  1. Open LinkedIn in your browser and click on Me > Settings & Privacy > Visibility.
  2. Now, click on each option in the Visibility of your profile & network and Visibility of your LinkedIn activity sections and set your preferences.
    • Report the stalking behavior directly to LinkedIn. The platform has a no-harassment policy, so reporting the incident will prompt LinkedIn to investigate it. Open your ex’s LinkedIn profile and click More > Report/Block > Report profile element, choose the option that applies, click Next, and then follow the prompts.
    • Block their profile to prevent your ex from stalking you. To do this, go to their LinkedIn profile and click More > Report/Block > Block [name] > Block.
Switch to a private LinkedIn profile to protect yourself from ex-stalking on LinkedIn. Click on Me > Settings & Privacy > Visibility. Now click on each option in the Visibility of your profile & network and Visibility of your LinkedIn activity sections and set your preferences.
Step 1. Switch to a private LinkedIn profile
To protect yourself from ex-stalking on LinkedIn, block or report them. Open their profile > More > Report / block > Report profile element and follow the prompts to report them, or Block [name] > Block.
Step 2. Report or block your ex on LinkedIn


LinkedIn stalking can be harmless, but it can also take a toll on you when it happens frequently. Not to mention, it can be unsettling when your ex is the one doing the stalking. If you’re experiencing this, know that you can protect yourself using the methods listed in our article.


Check for any threats on your phone with Clario AntiSpy’s Spyware scan. Who knows? Maybe your ex secretly installed spying apps on it to spy on you before things went south between you two.

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