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Boyfriend Tracking My Phone

Your boyfriend doesn’t need to be a secret agent to track your phone. With spyware, he can monitor your phone activity, read your messages, or steal personal information. Learn the signs of spyware infection and how you can stop your boyfriend from tracking your phone—then use Clario Anti Spy’s Spyware scan to automatically detect spyware before it steals your personal data.

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Can your boyfriend track your phone without you knowing

With spyware or a simple parental control app, your boyfriend can track your phone without you knowing. Spyware is malicious software designed to gather information about your internet usage, browsing habits, keystrokes, or even sensitive data like usernames, passwords, or financial information.  


Spyware is designed to evade detection and monitor your phone in secrecy. You may even willingly download it if it’s bundled with other apps or disguised as a legitimate program. Once installed, spyware operates in the background of your phone and sends the collected information to a third party—like your spying boyfriend.


Sneaky spyware can cause a whole range of issues, from potential identity theft and privacy invasion to device performance problems. Wondering how to know if your phone is being tracked by your boyfriend? Let’s explore the signs.

How do you know if your boyfriend is tracking your phone

Is there spyware on your phone? It can be hard to tell. However, even though it operates in secrecy, there are telltale signs of a spyware infection. Mostly, the cues are related to device performance issues. Training yourself to detect these signs can help you stop spyware early. Remember: the longer the spyware is on your device, the more information it can steal.


Here’s how to know if your boyfriend is tracking your phone:

1. The battery runs out very fast

Some spyware programs are resource-intensive, which can affect your phone’s battery. While all batteries will weaken over time, spyware can cause a sudden and drastic deterioration—especially if it’s constantly running in the background.

2. Problems with turning off your phone

Some spyware apps will prevent or significantly slow down your phone's shutdown process. Spyware is motivated to keep your phone on because it can’t extract information if it’s off. Some spyware can mimic your shutdown screen to trick you into thinking your phone is off, so always confirm that it’s actually off.

3. You find unfamiliar apps on your phone

Spyware is often disguised as a harmless app or bundled with other (sometimes malicious) apps. If your home screen is populated with unfamiliar apps, don’t open them. Instead, research the apps in question and verify their legitimacy. If they are indeed malicious, delete them immediately.

4. You hear weird sounds during calls

Weird sounds indicate that someone may be listening in on your phone calls. If you hear clicking, humming, static, or distant voices, your call may be monitored by an unauthorized third party. Your best bet is to end the call and continue it on a verified secure line.

5. Very high data usage

Some spyware requires large amounts of mobile data to send information collected on your phone, so watch out for sudden spikes in data usage. This is usually the case for the basic varieties of spyware; more advanced versions use less data and can slip by detection. Besides threatening your privacy, spyware data usage can cause your phone bill to skyrocket, so avoid using data if you suspect an infection.

6. Cameras and microphones are working after you turn them off

Some sophisticated spyware can turn on your camera or microphone without your knowledge or consent. This allows the spyware to eavesdrop or capture footage of you in secrecy. Cover your camera lens when not in use until you address the root of your spyware infection, and watch what you say around your phone.

7. Suspicious activity in standby mode

If your phone is on standby but it’s making noises or flashing, it’s possibly being tracked. Normally, a phone on standby can only send and receive calls and messages and perform other basic operations. But with spyware, your phone on standby mode may do much more—like operate your camera or microphone.

8. Strange autocorrect

If the autocorrect function on your phone is acting strange or slow, the culprit could be a keylogger. Keyloggers are a form of spyware that records all of your keystrokes, enabling a third-party to spy on all your messages, login credentials, or whatever else you type into your phone.

9. Unusual SMS messages

If you notice your phone is sending unfamiliar SMS messages, it could be a spyware app communicating with a third party. Incoming messages are also suspicious. Spyware can send hidden commands to your phone, prompting it to take and email pictures and screenshots or wipe data.

10. The phone gets unusually hot

A hot phone indicates a power-intensive task, like a spyware app running in the background. If you aren’t deliberately running programs or apps that require a lot of your phone’s resources, a hot phone is definitely suspicious. But keep in mind that there can be other factors for this symptom, so don’t jump to conclusions—proceed with caution.

11. He shows an increased interest in your devices

If your boyfriend is suddenly interested in your devices, he may be trying to gain access to track your activities or communications. Be mindful of any suspicious behavior, such as frequent requests to look at your phone or attempts to unlock your phone.

12. Your boyfriend is acting suspicious

While not a definitive sign of tracking, pay attention if your boyfriend is acting suspiciously. This behavior can involve your phone—he may want to install new apps or guess your password. Alternatively, it can be his general demeanor—is he jealous and controlling of your communications with others or generally secretive? All these signs are suspicious.

13. Your boyfriend is very worried when you have to go out

If your boyfriend is very worried when you have to go out, it could be a sign of a desire to control you. While it’s not concrete evidence that your boyfriend is tracking your phone, his jealousy is a big red flag and could lead to phone tracking—if it hasn’t already.

14. He knows where you were, even though you didn't tell him

If your boyfriend seemingly knows about your every move, even if you didn’t tell him, it’s a strong indicator that he is tracking you and your devices. With spyware or physical spying on your phone, he may be able to see your messages, calendars, and/or your map apps to gain knowledge of your whereabouts.

Should you let your boyfriend track your phone

You should never let your boyfriend (or anyone else) track your phone—unless you give them explicit consent. Even then, be wary of the permission you grant others. While your boyfriend might argue that he’s trying to protect you, it could be an excuse to exert unreasonable control over you.


In a healthy relationship, it’s important to share details with your partner—while also creating boundaries about personal privacy. Informing each other of your plans, routines, and social life helps build trust and security in your relationship. But if your boyfriend takes it to the extreme and demands information you don’t feel comfortable revealing, you do not need to tolerate it.


Communicating boundaries in your relationship and learning how to tell if your spouse is spying on your phone can help put you at ease if you suspect phone tracking.

How to stop your boyfriend from tracking your phone

If you suspect your boyfriend is tracking your phone, you should first fortify your device against any security vulnerabilities. Whether he uses a spyware app or physically spies on your phone, he most likely exploits security weaknesses to gain access. Afterward, you should directly confront your boyfriend about his behavior—if you are comfortable doing so.


Here’s how to stop your boyfriend from tracking your phone:

1. Use a spyware-deleting program

The most direct way to remove spyware is with a dedicated tool. Clario Anti Spy contains such a tool! Available for both Android and iOS, it allows you to run the scan to detect any spyware on your device and quickly remove it.


Here’s how to scan for spyware with Clario Anti Spy:

  1. Download Clario AntiSpy and get a subscription to create an account.
  2. Click Run deep scan under Spyware scan.
  3. Wait for Clario to check your device for spyware. If detected, follow the on-screen instructions to eliminate any identified threats.
These screenshots show Clario AntiSpy's
Steps 2-3: Under Spyware scan > click Run deep scan. Follow instructions to eliminate any detected threats.

Clario Anti Spy is a quick and easy way to remove spyware. However, your boyfriend may have other means of tracking you. For more tips, learn how to stop someone from tracking your phone.

2. Upgrade the operating system

Upgrading your operating system will address any known bugs or security vulnerabilities that spyware may be exploited to track your device.


Here’s how to upgrade the operating system on Android:

  1. Go to Settings > select System Updates or Software Updates.
  2. Download and install any available updates.
This screenshot shows you how to install a software update on your Android device if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-2: Select Settings > Software Update and install any available update.

Here’s how to upgrade the operating system on iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > select General.
  2. Tap Software Update.
  3. If an update is available, tap Update Now.
These screenshots instruct how to update the operating system on iOS if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-3: Settings > General > Software Update> Update Now.

3. Remove spyware manually

Some sophisticated spyware can evade spyware removal tools, so you may need to remove it manually. To do so, review all the apps on your device and delete anything unfamiliar or anything you suspect to be spyware.


Here’s how to remove spyware on Android:

  1. Review the apps on your home screen.
  2. Press and hold each app.
  3. Tap Uninstall or OK in the confirmation pop-up window.
This screenshot shows how to uninstall suspicious apps on Android if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-3: Scan your home screen, press and hold the app, and select Uninstall.

Here’s how to remove spyware on iOS:

  1. Review the apps on your home screen.
  2. Long press on the app icon > tap Remove App on the pop-up window.
These screenshots instruct how to review apps on an iOS device and manually remove a spyware, if your partner is monitoring your phone.
Steps 1-2: Review apps > Long press an app > tap Remove app.

4. Factory reset phone settings

A factory reset will wipe all the data off your phone, including spyware and everything else. If you’re considering this option, ensure that you perform a data backup to save any important files before proceeding.


Here’s how to factory reset an Android device:

  1. Go to Settings > select General management.
  2. Tap Reset or Reset options.
  3. Select Factory data reset or Erase all data (factory reset).
  4. Tap Reset or Erase everything to confirm the factory reset. You may need to enter your PIN to confirm.
These Android screenshots show you how to get to the Reset settings if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-2: Select Settings > General Management > Reset.
These Android screenshots show you how to perform a factory data reset to protect yourself if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 2-4: Select Factory data reset > Reset.

Here’s how to factory reset an iOS device:

  1. Go to Settings > select General.
  2. Tap Transfer or Reset iPhone > Tap Erase All Content and Settings.
  3. Tap Continue > Erase iPhone to confirm the factory reset.
These screenshots instruct how to perform a factory reset on iOS if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-2: Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase All Content Settings.

5. Remove unused, outdated, or suspicious programs

Unused, outdated, or suspicious programs can contain vulnerabilities that could be exploited by your boyfriend to gain unauthorized access to your device or personal information. Delete these apps to eliminate these weak points in your device’s security.


Here’s how to remove programs on an Android device:

  1. Review the apps on your home screen.
  2. Press and hold the app, then tap Uninstall or OK in the confirmation pop-up window.
This screenshot shows how to uninstall suspicious apps on Android if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-3: Scan your home screen, press and hold the app, and select Uninstall.

Here’s how to remove programs on an iOS device:

  1. Review the apps on your home screen.
  2. Long press on the app icon > tap Remove App on the pop-up window.
These screenshots instruct how to review apps on an iOS device and manually remove a spyware, if your partner is monitoring your phone.
Steps 1-2: Review apps > Long press an app > tap Remove app.

6. Turn off call forwarding

Call forwarding is a phone feature that allows incoming calls to be redirected to another number or device. It’s a potential security risk if your boyfriend accesses this feature and redirects your incoming calls to a number of his choice.


Here’s how to turn off call forwarding on an Android device:

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu > Settings.
  3. Tap Calling accounts, Calls, or a similar option, depending on your device.
  4. Tap Supplementary services, More Settings, or a similar option.
  5. Tap Call Forwarding and make sure no number is set. If one is set, remove it to disable call forwarding.
These screenshots indicate how to access the Phone app's settings if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 1-2: Select Phone app > three dots > Settings.
These Android screenshots show you how to turn off call forwarding if your boyfriend is tracking your phone.
Steps 3-5: Select Supplementary services > Call forwarding > make sure no number is set.

Here’s how to turn off call forwarding on an iOS device:

  1. Go to Settings > select Phone.
  2. Tap Call Forwarding > Toggle off.
These screenshots instruct how to turn off call forwarding on iOS to stop your partner from monitoring your phone.
Steps 1-2: Settings > Phone > Call Forwarding> Toggle off.

7. Discuss your personal boundaries with your boyfriend

Discussing your personal boundaries with your boyfriend will help set clear expectations regarding your privacy. Directly address the issue of your partner monitoring your phone and clearly communicate your privacy boundaries. Having this conversation may also shed light on the motives behind his actions and help to prevent future incidents.


Remember, you don’t have to deal with the situation alone. If you’re having difficulty discussing boundaries with your boyfriend, seek out support from family and trusted friends.


If your boyfriend does not respect your needs or his actions do not change, you should consider ending the relationship. Trust issues can lead to more invasive behavior, such as stalking. Regardless of his reasoning, you should never tolerate anyone infringing on your personal privacy.


Whether it’s your boyfriend tracking your phone or someone else, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Spyware may collect more of your private data the longer it’s on your phone. A fast and easy way to detect and remove spyware is with the spyware removal tool in Clario Anti Spy.


Along with spyware removal, our dedicated cybersecurity app contains a host of other tools that inform you of possible data breaches, malware threats, and attempts to unlock your phone. When it comes to your privacy, don’t take any chances with Clario Anti Spy.


1. Should you share your location with your boyfriend?

It’s acceptable to share your location with your boyfriend as long as you are comfortable. Every relationship is different—location sharing can provide a sense of trust and intimacy. However, if it crosses a personal privacy boundary for you, then you should communicate your concerns to your boyfriend.

2. Are phone taps legal?

It’s legal for law enforcement to conduct phone taps, but it’s illegal for private citizens. Law enforcement is required to get a wiretap order from a judge with compelling evidence to back up their request. A jealous boyfriend or anyone else who isn’t law enforcement and doesn’t have evidence has no legal authority to tap your phone.

3. Is it toxic to check your partners' location?

Checking your partner’s location can be toxic if it’s done without consent. While location sharing is beneficial for protective purposes—like ensuring your partner gets home safe after a late night— the act can be toxic if you’re uncomfortable with it.

4. Is it normal for your boyfriend to track you?

It is not normal for your boyfriend to track you without your consent. Tracking is a violation of your privacy and can be a form of control, manipulation, or abuse in a relationship. Though your boyfriend may justify his actions as a concern for your safety, if you’re uncomfortable, you don't have to comply with tracking.

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